Tag Archives: Extension Service

Landowner Series – Homeowner Basics – May 25 – FREE Class

Join Jessica Chase, County Extension Agents, Agriculture & Natural Resources for a Presentation from Randy Harang for an overview of hasic home repairs and maintenance. Topics include preping for a freeze, how to check and clean your water heater, and more.  This class is FREE and  is in-person and includes a meal. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brazoria-county-landowner-series-2023-tickets-600864922157  

Urban Rancher Landowner Series – Brazoria County

The Landowner Series for Brazoria County focuses on learning what you need to know about land management practices.  If you have recently bought land, inherited land, are planning to buy land, or you have owned land for many years, this series will have something for you.  Get answers to your questions about ag tax valuation, legal considerations, and general land-use practices.  To register go to https://tinyurl.com/ta2fvhra