Tag Archives: broccoli

Cole Crazy: Broccoli for a Winter Garden

Right about this time of year is when we witness unpredictable weather. We hope for a little consistency and temperance with our daily and nighttime temperature. Here in Texas we like to brag ‘if you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute’, a saying that has lost its source author but sounds great when joking about a Texas Gulf Coast winter. I would like to highlight one vegetable that is a storm and cold tolerant trooper in the garden: broccoli. There will be similarities in growing conditions… Read More →

Second Spring: Fall Gardening

I consider our annual fall season to be our “second spring”, a time of year projecting a promise of cooler weather and just in time to establish a fall vegetable garden. In a way, the fall gardening season is just like asking for second helpings at the table; we’re working our garden beds for a second serving of vegetables in one year, and we can be successful for our efforts with a little preparation and planning. You would use the same set of criteria for your fall garden… Read More →