Tag Archives: Brazoria County

Sage Advice: Salvias for Brazoria County

Now that the fall season is in full swing, we’re both focusing on end-of-year vegetable/ornamental gardening or (literally) putting our gardens to bed and planning for the next spring season. I would like to offer focus to one of my favorite plant groups to help stock our planning diaries: salvias. No, not the familiar drought tolerant and tall Cenizo, or “Texas Sage” bushes (botanical name Leucophyllum) that proffer lavender-colored blossoms after a rain, but the low-slung and often tender-branched perennial plants that offer a variety of leaf texture… Read More →

The Dirt on Composting

I am delighted with the thought that in my lifetime the word compost is understood and embraced by many. I often interject the word ‘compost’ in casual conversation to watch for a glimmer of recognition from the person I’m talking with. While folks may recognize the concept, they may not necessarily practice this elegantly simple activity and I certainly encourage homeowners to consider composting benefits to adopt best gardening practices and start your own compost project. There are several benefits gained from composting as a household activity, primary… Read More →