Coastal Marine Resources






John O’Connell
[email protected]



John P. O’Connell is the Texas A&M AgriLife of Brazoria County’s Coastal Marine Resources Agent and duel Texas Sea Grant Agent, who provides our county with consultation and educational programs.  Areas expertise include  Fresh and Salt Water Education and Water Conservation.  He is also the Monofilament Recovery Program coordinator for the State of Texas.  Agent O’Connell is one of the dual Texas Master Naturalist, Cradle of Texas Chapter advisers, working in conjunction with Texas Parks and Wildlife.  He has hosted many events including Water Fairs for local schools, educating on water resources and ground water conservation. Pond Management Seminars as well as Fishing Tournament Directors Workshops and S.H.R.I.M.P (Sensational Healthy Reliable Inexpensive Meal Preparation) Cooking with Seafood in mind. Kamp Kayak and Advanced Bat training for the Master Naturalists, Bat programs at the Brazoria County Libraries.  He educates through the Texas Friendly Hospitality Programs; training up-to-date techniques to improve customer service skills that lead to improved customer satisfaction.

At Brazoria County you will find that our marine resources are vast and impressive.  With more than 27 miles of coastline and two major rivers, we are blessed with the bounty of the sea and an abundance of fresh water.  More than 200 active Master Naturalists have been trained and annually contribute over 12,000 hours to educate more than 3,000 students about these vast resources.

If you have any questions concerning programs that Agent O’Connell hosts, or would like to schedule a session with him, please contact John at (979)864-1558 or email him at [email protected].

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Monofilament Recovery Program

Texas Aquaculture

Aquatic Vegetation (Pond Weeds)

NOAA Tides and Currents

Marine Weather Forecast

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Texas Sea Grant College Program

Texas Water Supply

Southern Regional Aquaculture Center

Texas Beach Watch – Bacteria Counts


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