Author Archives: stephen.brueggerhoff

Say No to Volcano Mulching

There are great benefits to applying mulch to bare areas around your yard and landscape, and I want to bring your attention to one curious mulching practice.  You may have noticed mulch piled up around trees in a formation that looks like a science experiment gone wrong, a kind of Vesuvian affliction that those in the horticulture trade call volcano mulching. This is a method where landscape company crews or homeowners apply mulch in a mound up against the bark and directly at the base of a tree,… Read More →

The Stink on Leaf-footed Bugs

Our vegetable harvests should be in full swing at this point of summer, and I am sure you have noticed a gathering of insects we commonly call stinkbug on your tomatoes as well as bell peppers. You may have seen one to five of them on your veggies about early May and now, by all appearances, the populations are high and appear to be damaging your vegetables. I offer information that will help us understand the form, habit, function and potential control of these unwanted visitors. Leaf-footed Bug… Read More →