Author Archives: stephen.brueggerhoff

Chill Hours for Fruit Trees

Home fruit production is a part of our gardening experience. I have had quite a number of phone calls and email over the years by homeowners interested in fig, blackberry, persimmon, pear, citrus and peach varieties appropriate for Brazoria County. One of the best ways to begin planning for winning varietals is to rely on observed and predictive data specific to our county. We have all experienced subtropical climatic conditions in Brazoria County, fussing through hot and humid summers and welcoming mild to cool winter. This climate puts us… Read More →

Starting Veggies from Seed

While winter is a time of renewal, a natural cycle that whispers for stillness and contemplation, I find that I am not one to rest on my laurels. I am already planning ordering new tomato varieties that we will use as trial plants this spring and scheduling seed propagation. There are advantages to starting tomato varieties and other vegetables by seed, such as earlier harvest and the potential to lessen insect infestation by production ahead of pest life cycle such as Leaf-footed Bugs for tomatoes and Squash Vine… Read More →

Fall Color With Trees

Fall often seems like a fleeting memory, sometimes ebbing and flowing with temperature fluctuations typical of the Upper Gulf Coast Bend. Around October I look to nature for clues to seasonal changes so that I can fully embrace a natural rhythm and seasonal cycle. You may notice a patina and full on copper color of feathery Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) leaves, a stately deciduous conifer occurring streamside in nature but also planted for its drought tolerance in the urban landscape. Perhaps you are anxiously waiting for production of… Read More →

Fabulous Figs!

The beginning of fall is a time to celebrate figs, with many southern varieties producing a profusion of tasty morsels that enliven our home plate. I view figs as a ‘standard’ southern fruiting tree, easy to grow and most folks that I have spoken with either having a fig tree in their backyard growing up or currently enjoying the fruit of their labor. Fig (Ficus carica) are considered a classical fruit, a prized sweet-tasting commodity celebrated from ancient western Asia to Mediterranean civilizations. Figs were imported to California… Read More →

Fall into Rose Pruning

The end of summer is a great time to enjoy roses in the garden. Brazoria County Master Gardeners are celebrate rose culture during Open Garden Days at our demonstration garden, Brazoria Environmental Education Station we affectionately call BEES, 583 Hospital Drive in Angleton. We offer presentationa on old garden roses, give demos on proper rose planting, tips for taking cuttings and how to maintain and water your rose garden. Don’t forget to browse on our events portion of our webpage for the opportunity to check out our gardens,… Read More →

The Heat is On: Hibiscus in Bloom

A little color always brings focus to a drab and uniform garden. Garden flair can easily be achieved by choosing from a suite of tropical and hardy hybridized hibiscus, stand-out plants that can catch and direct our attention with a variety of colors and flower form. We’ll start this article with a brief introduction to a diverse plant family, and finish with an enticing flourish of hardy hybrid hibiscus varieties. Hibiscus belongs to the Mallow Family (Malvaceae), plants with global distribution of over 240 genera. The family includes… Read More →

Pick a Peck of Peppers

You can pickle a peck, eat them raw, braise them, fry them, can, jelly or chop them into tiny bits to bring a little zest or sweetness to a home cooked meal. Peppers are an enticing and diverse fruit that are a global household staple and commonly associated with ‘old world’ cuisine. I will explore with you the native origin of peppers, share some growing tips and delve into hotter than heck varieties. Peppers are determined to be in the same plant family (Solanaceae) as tomato and potato…. Read More →

Extending the Tomato Harvest

It’s tomato harvest time, and avid gardeners are taking pride collecting and eating their delicious homegrown tomatoes. My personal observation is that gardening pride is directly related to production success, often measured in either weight or volume. While varieties such as Big Beef, Cherokee Purple, Delicious and Mortgage Lifter are beefsteak style tomatoes that may take longer to grow, the payoff are harvests that can equal up to 50 pounds per plant. I encourage readers to take pride in healthy eating habits by an enhancing personal nutrition by… Read More →

Gardening for Wildlife

Home landscape beautification often starts with simple ideas and singular plantings:  lawn construction that is often St. Augustinegrass, at least one fast growing tree for anticipated shade and a few foundation plantings of shrubs as a visual anchor. I offer to expand the effort and increase biodiversity by creating habitat for wildlife. There can be many different reasons that motivate us to create a wildlife habitat in our landscapes, such as designing pollinator gardens to attract Monarch butterflies and other pollinators, or to support migratory bird populations. Habitat… Read More →

Caterpillars in the Trees

Early Spring, our residents will see activity and potential defoliation caused by either Forest Tent Caterpillar or Live Oak Tussock Moth. The Forest Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) or the Live Oak Tussock Moth (Orgyia detrita) are moth species with a life cycle coinciding with Coastal Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) leaf emergence in the spring. Live Oak Tussock Moth favors Coastal Live Oak trees as a host plant, and Forest Tent Caterpillar can be found in different tree species or in high populations on surfaces (buildings, cars, etc). The Forest… Read More →